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Attachment, Trauma & Substance Use Explained by Leaders in their Fields

Supporting the change process, it's helpful to connect the mind and body. Both in-session experiences, and between-session 'homework,' foster deeper integration of new perspectives & somatic self-care mastery. This is the foundation for optimal performance with any therapy or coaching goal. 


Additionally, Martial Arts and other mindful practices like yoga, meditating and journalling can all serve to increase mind-body grace. Also helpful are silent walks, videos and music that supports the state of mind you find elusive, rock climbing, etc. Intentional postures and SE breathing techniques done consistently further widen the 'Window of Tolerance.' If trauma is part of your story, please watch Tara Brach's video on Trauma & Meditation to improve accessibility and effectiveness of this simple and powerful tool.


Find a 10-15 minute window for a brief study by one of the videos below or from another source on a challenging topic. Explore insights or stuck points in session. Prepare your space - a cup of tea, stress ball, aroma, a journal and pen. Write a few questions or thoughts. Now, scan your body. Make notes.


Pause to move if you're sitting still. If you feel stirred, which of your resources might help make space for thoughts and emotions to metabolize? How much can you track, observe, allow? Exhale.


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